Tuesday, October 05, 2010

Home Made Alfredo sauce

Oh My Gosh! This is SOOOO easy! I have no idea why my dad uses the seasoning packets or jarred! I think this is one of the easiest things I have ever made! Sooo delicious too! (maybe not very healthy because of cream, but still, let yourself live for a treat every once in a while!)

I looked up a few recipes, and there are many many different types. I wanted some thing easy with items I all ready had. Generally, the ingredients are butter, cream cheese, sour cream, or just whipping cream, and seasoning. Some add a bit of flour as a thickener.

What I did:

I took about half a stick of butter and one package of cream cheese and melted it down in the large skillet. After it was pretty much melted, I added 1/2 cup Milk and made it as smooth as possible. 
If I had had a nylon whisk I would used that, but never use metal in a non-stick or Teflon pan, it will scratch it up and start deteriorating in your food. 

Add your favorite seasonings, I used some pepper and salt, and a bit of garlic powder. I also added a bit of flour to thicken it. 

And there you have it! That is how to make the sauce, the important thing is to not stop stirring, or it will scorch.  I had cooked some chicken up in the pan before I made the sauce and put it to the side in a bowl, then threw it in the sauce with some stir-fry veggies.  I boiled the water for the noodles all at the same time. 

It was really good, and I actually got Logan to try one of each of the veggies. It was hard, but he admits that though he didn't really like the peas in a pod, they could be good by themselves. He however hated with a passion the broccoli. It will take a while, but eventually he will learn to like them :)

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